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The Best Companion Plants For Crape Myrtles:

The Best Companion Plants for Crape Myrtles

Crape myrtles are a beautiful and versatile flowering tree that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. They come in a variety of colors, including pink, white, red, and purple, and they bloom for several months in the summer.

If you're considering planting a crape myrtle, you may be wondering what companion plants would work well with it. Here are some of the best companion plants for crape myrtles:

  • Hostas are a popular choice for companion plants for crape myrtles. They offer a lush, green backdrop for the crape myrtle's flowers, and they also help to suppress weeds. Hostas prefer partial shade, so they're a good choice for planting under a crape myrtle tree. Image of Hostas companion plant for crape myrtles
  • Ferns are another good choice for companion plants for crape myrtles. They add a touch of tropical elegance to the garden, and they also help to keep the soil moist. Ferns prefer partial shade, so they're a good choice for planting under a crape myrtle tree. Image of Ferns companion plant for crape myrtles
  • Lantana is a colorful shrub that blooms all summer long. It's a good choice for planting under a crape myrtle tree because it can tolerate both sun and shade. Lantana also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, so it's a great way to add wildlife to your garden. Image of Lantana companion plant for crape myrtles
  • Hibiscus is a beautiful flowering shrub that comes in a variety of colors. It's a good choice for planting under a crape myrtle tree because it prefers full sun. Hibiscus also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, so it's a great way to add wildlife to your garden. Image of Hibiscus companion plant for crape myrtles
  • Rose of Sharon is a flowering shrub that blooms in the summer. It's a good choice for planting under a crape myrtle tree because it prefers full sun. Rose of Sharon also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, so it's a great way to add wildlife to your garden. Image of Rose of Sharon companion plant for crape myrtles
  • Creeping lilyturf is a low-maintenance groundcover that adds a touch of elegance to the garden. It's a good choice for planting under a crape myrtle tree because it can tolerate both sun and shade. Creeping lilyturf also helps to suppress weeds. Image of Creeping lilyturf companion plant for crape myrtles
  • Daylilies are a colorful perennial that blooms in the summer. They're a good choice for planting under a crape myrtle tree because they prefer full sun. Daylilies also attract butterflies and hummingbirds, so they're a great way to add wildlife to your garden. Image of Daylilies companion plant for crape myrtles

When choosing companion plants for crape myrtles, it's important to consider the size and growth habit of the plants. You want to choose plants that will complement the crape myrtle's size and shape. You also want to choose plants that have similar water and sunlight requirements.

By following these tips, you can choose the best companion plants for your crape myrtles and create a beautiful and harmonious garden.

Crape myrtles are beautiful flowering trees that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. But did you know that there are certain companion plants that can help to enhance the beauty of your crape myrtles?

The right companion plants can help to:

  • Attract pollinators: Crape myrtles are a favorite food source for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Planting companion plants that also attract these pollinators can help to increase the biodiversity of your garden.
  • Provide shade: Crape myrtles can be susceptible to sunscald, especially in hot, dry climates. Planting companion plants that provide shade can help to protect your crape myrtles from the sun's harsh rays.
  • Improve the soil: Some companion plants can help to improve the drainage and fertility of the soil around your crape myrtles. This can help to promote healthy growth and flowering.

If you're looking for the perfect companion plants for your crape myrtles, I recommend visiting Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a comprehensive list of companion plants for crape myrtles, as well as detailed information about each plant.

FAQ of companion plants for crape myrtle

Q: What are some good companion plants for crape myrtle?

A: Crape myrtles are versatile plants that can be paired with a variety of other plants. Some good companion plants include:

  • Low-growing plants: These plants can help to fill in the space around the crape myrtle and provide a splash of color. Some good choices include liriope, Indian hawthorne, Japanese boxwood, and flowering perennials like white buttercup or Mexican heather.
  • Evergreens: Evergreens can help to provide year-round interest and contrast with the crape myrtle's colorful flowers. Some good choices include dwarf yaupon, holly, and juniper.
  • Vines: Vines can be trained to climb up the crape myrtle's trunk or branches, adding a vertical element to the landscape. Some good choices include trumpet vine, Carolina jessamine, and sweet pea.
  • Perennials: Perennials can provide long-lasting blooms and foliage. Some good choices include lantana, salvia, and begonia.
  • Annuals: Annuals can be used to add a touch of color or to fill in gaps in the landscape. Some good choices include marigolds, petunias, and geraniums.

Q: What are some things to consider when choosing companion plants for crape myrtle?

A: When choosing companion plants for crape myrtle, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Sunlight: Crape myrtles need full sun, so make sure your companion plants also thrive in full sun.
  • Water needs: Crape myrtles are drought-tolerant, so your companion plants should also be able to tolerate dry conditions.
  • Soil type: Crape myrtles prefer well-drained soil, so your companion plants should also be able to tolerate this type of soil.
  • Color: Consider the color of your crape myrtle when choosing companion plants. You may want to choose plants that complement the color of your crape myrtle's flowers or foliage.
  • Height: Consider the height of your crape myrtle when choosing companion plants. You don't want to choose plants that will outgrow your crape myrtle or block its flowers.

Q: How far apart should companion plants be planted from crape myrtle?

A: The distance between companion plants and crape myrtles will vary depending on the size of the plants. For small plants, you may want to plant them 1-2 feet away from the crape myrtle. For larger plants, you may want to plant them 3-4 feet away.

Q: How do I care for companion plants around crape myrtle?

A: The care requirements for companion plants will vary depending on the type of plant. However, in general, you should water your companion plants regularly, especially during the first year after planting. You should also fertilize your companion plants according to the directions on the fertilizer label.

Q: What are some common problems with companion plants around crape myrtle?

A: Some common problems with companion plants around crape myrtle include:

  • Disease: Companion plants can be susceptible to the same diseases as crape myrtles. If you notice any signs of disease, it is important to treat the problem immediately.
  • Pests: Companion plants can also be susceptible to the same pests as crape myrtles. If you notice any signs of pests, it is important to control the problem before it gets out of hand.
  • Overcrowding: Companion plants that are too close together can compete for resources, such as water and sunlight. This can lead to poor growth and health problems.

Image of companion plants for crape myrtle

5 different images of companion plants for crape myrtle from Pinterest:

  • Columbine: This unique flower has a bloom within a bloom, making it a beautiful addition to any garden. Columbines prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Image of Columbine companion plant for crape myrtle
  • Lily of the Valley: This fragrant flower is a classic choice for companion planting with crape myrtles. Lily of the Valley prefers partial shade and moist soil. Image of Lily of the Valley companion plant for crape myrtle
  • Verbena: This colorful flower is a great way to add some brightness to your garden. Verbenas prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Image of Verbena companion plant for crape myrtle
  • Hostas: These shade-loving plants are a great way to add some contrast to your garden. Hostas prefer partial shade and moist soil. Image of Hostas companion plant for crape myrtle
  • Rose of Sharon: This similar flowering shrub is a great way to add some height to your garden. Rose of Sharon prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Image of Rose of Sharon companion plant for crape myrtle

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